Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Family Vacation to San Francisco

Here was Kathrine and Addison's first time flying. Daddy had some training classes in the bay area so the family decided to come along. Well daddy couldn't go a whole week alone.
We stopped by the Oakland temple and took some family pictures, well with just two adults you have take two pictures and put them together in a collage.

We visited the famous San Francisco Aquarium and saw lots of ocean critters. We thought it was fun walking through the water tunnel and seeing the fish swim above us.

We stopped by Pier 39 and had to try the famous bread bowls. They were delicious. And then drove across the Golden Gate bridge while singing the Full House song. Yes we are dorks, but unfortunately we couldn't find the Full House house.

One of the days while in California we drove down to Santa Cruz the watch the sunset. It was very pretty and enjoyable. The pictures are worth a thousand words.

Beautiful mommy with cute little Addison.

Kathrine just had a blast running up and down the beach just like on the beaches of Oregon.

Unfortunately the girls had to spend most of the time in the hotel room while daddy was in class, but we made up for it with the other fun things that we did and saw including the Winchester House and we tried to see Yosemite but it was closed due to weather. It was a very fun trip.

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